I was able to escape my little city this past weekend. My boyfriend and I headed to toronto with no real plans. I always day dream of these kinds of trips. Any trip really, But I do love cities. Of course it has its cons to some, but I see a lot of pros. 
The atmosphere, its lively, creative, beautiful. I see people in suits and fancy cars, but that never really catches my eye as much as the artsy folks, the hippies. Dressed carelessly, living how they want. Experiencing so many things, to me its an interesting life. To some they look irresponsible, going no where, but they look to me as if they have everything. 
I love being amoungst all walks of life, big crowds scare some but to me they are inviting. I love just admiring everything, skimming in and out of thrift shops and markets. Time is never wasted in a city, Which makes it a little sad every time I have to leave.

Seeing as we didn't have too much planned, we wondered down to kensington market on foot because I heard a little about it from some of my clients. Along the way we found the 'AGO' Ontario Art Gallary and it was a must we go in! If you have never been, its honestly worth the time. Rated at $20 a person there was so much to see for such little price! I will post some photos below of my favorite pieces, my boyfriend enjoyed the Thompson collection as he loves history and for me, the entire contemporary floor had my heart melted.

Jack Chambers - I don't know what it is, but this was breathtaking. 
This one was huge, I wanted to take it home. MY HEART 
The texture here is amazing

If looking at those don't inspire you.. I don't know what will! So beautiful and colorful. I LOVE all of these, I wish I wasn't so excited about being there to remember some of the artists names. POV was a big exhibit that was going on and all of his pieces, I only took a few of his, are stunning.
I will definitely be paying AGO hopefully multiple more visists, especially with their 'Year of Photography' collections coming up. 

As we got closer to the market I already knew I was so excited about it. I didn't take nearly any photos as I was to busy enjoying it but it was the coolest little market! 

I can't wait to be able to get out of this little place I live in. I feel like I am missing so many things, Am I the only one who craves to be in a big city? There is so much to offer, so many things to do, places to see, gardens to walk through, people to meet and the list goes on. 



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