After a 6 hour drive (my first time driving that long of a distance) I spent this past weekend in a new place, Niagara! My best friend had a baby shower that I could not miss so I packed up and sadly left kitty for a long weekend away from home. Being my first time visiting, we couldn't pass up being some tourists and venturing around all the basic (but gorgeous) sights to see. 

Niagara is so beautiful, if you haven't been there, maybe it is just me who notices but Niagara has the NICEST trees. Driving into town down the scenic route literally had me gushing "Oh my god" by every block I passed. I love collecting photos in pretty places, but sadly it was a rainy weekend so my camera stayed put away for the most part. 

Taken up in an air car across the river before the falls, I was a little clammy before going on but I always get talked into doing things involving heights against my will (I was also forced onto my first ever roller coaster last year and lets just say they lied when they said it was a little one). The water is this GORGEOUS teal color. Crazy how intense the currents were, made such a lovely photo, it was very pretty up there! We then went to the butterfly conservatory. I have a bit of a phobia of things landing on me, but it was very pretty and exotic. The butterflies were everywhere! To make it even prettier it was surrounded by the botanical gardens. It definitely made me feel as if I was in Alice in wonderland or something, but of course it started to rain and we had to catch a bus so it was cut short. I am glad for the photos though because LOOK at that huge tree! so magical. Continuing on our adventure down to the falls It was misty and rainy from being so close to them so we bought some killer, fashion forward rain ponchos.... (sarcasm) and then stopping for DIP AND DOTS HELLO WHAT IS MY LIFE. I have never had THIS AMAZING CREATION and my city doesn't sell it anywhere. The struggle is real. mmmmmmmmm best ice cream ever  (see my instagram post). 
Finally making it down to the falls, it was really pretty. What really got me though was the amount of water, tons and tons of it. Its a simple thing but just so powerful and I couldn't help but just watch it push over the edge. The color itself is so breathtaking up close. Which also made me think cheese and rice I would hate to fall in hahah.

oh how crazy mother nature is! 

I hope you like the photos xx



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