Its that time of year, where stress and excitement go hand in hand, our bank accounts take a bruising and within a blink its come and gone. Christmas, aaaah not the C word kasha its still so early! Lets be real people, once December gets here its like we are all running with our heads cut off pressed for time. I am in awe of my clients that tell me they have already checked everything off their holiday shopping list before November 1st. HOW? how can anyone be so organized? If you are like me, you shop the week before christmas and its bloody awful (sometimes literally, two shoppers in desperate need for that last item) Just kidding? does that actually happen? If you are THAT shopper you may be a little too intense, take a breather!! 
Now, I am not here to get into the mushy meaning of christmas (which duh its totally family, love, alcohol and food- lots of food haha) not presents of course. No presents are bad (sarcasm). Presents should not be what makes christmas great, But i'd be lying if I didn't have a list that would blow my mind if "santa" actually brought me for being such a girl gal.

(Side note, I am not a parent but when that day comes, screw santa for taking all the credit for those awesome gifts! Thanks mom "santa" for all your hard work I love you) 

I'm making this post because shits expensive and a girl can dream.
This is my christmas wish (WISH being key word) list


These instant cameras seem so much fun, I cant decide which one I like better. The mini 90 compact to carry around, but the wide 300 has the bigger photo size which I really like. Both would be lovely!

Photojojo is one of my favorite websites, its all camera fun related items and honestly ANYTHING off this website would make me pretty happy. Currently oogling over their iphone lenses/iphone photography gear, lens burrito wrap, lens mug, instant cameras/ instant camera printers, lighting kits, literally everything.


Lordy this is DEFINITELY a wish. Wishing very hard. I'm not a girl who really cares much about kinds of cars, but the day I laid eyes on this car ohhhhh i'm a believer. I found myself on my laptop looking at the interior? Like what kasha where have you gone? interior really? Yes really. I want. I want very much.


Beats by Dre as well as these random SO GORGEOUS rose gold ones. I am a music lover, I like these. The beats though look comfier, but that rose gold though sure is cute!


Hello beautiful, I love you but I cant justifying paying 300+ dollars on you, I really cant. I love apple, I love my phone, but not that much. Patiently (not really) waiting for the prices to lower so I can upgrade!  I've been told the samsung is just as good if not better for a cheaper deal and to go with them instead, butttttttttttttttt i'm not that risky. I like apple, for now..

I am not sure what kind, but I would love to be able to make videos (for my blog/youtube/and personal videos to keep). My canon camera right now doesn't auto focus which makes making videos a pain in the butt! A gopro would also be AMAZING because hello... why not, sick edits!


Ive always wanted one of these, and now they are coming back!


I didn't even know gold macs were a thing, but hello i'm a gold gal not a silver so why not. I don't know too much about the different kinds, I would be happy with any. My boyfriend has had his for 7 years and it is still faster than ever! They are amazing! As well as I prefer them for photoshop programs/editing requirements.

A girl can never have too much clothes... Forever 21, Smart set, H&M, brandy melville, call it spring/aldo, urban outfitters, american eagle and forever more. The list can go on! I LOVE CLOTHES. 

 This should be at the beginning of my list, I love tattoos. I have so many ideas but I always feel that my money should be spent on something that I need rather than want. They aren't cheap, but they are beautiful.

So basically, I'm a photo/tech gal. Anything photography related makes me swoon as well as I may be obsessed with clothing and tattoos. If all was well in the world and I was rich or santa were real, these would all be under my christmas tree this year!



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